Does Sodium Bicarbonate Improve Strength and Coordination?

Does Sodium Bicarbonate Improve Strength and Coordination?

Sodium bicarbonate, also known as baking soda, is a common household product with a wide variety of uses, from personal hygiene to cleaning and cooking. What a lot of people don’t know is that sodium bicarbonate also offers attractive benefits …

Amazing Creatine – More Muscle, Strength, Power, and Cognition

Amazing Creatine – More Muscle, Strength, Power, and Cognition

Many athletes, bodybuilders, and fitness enthusiasts take creatine to enhance strength and build muscle. If you’re looking to add more muscle and strength, creatine is the world’s most effective supplement according to research published in the Journal of Applied Physiology.  …

Does Betaine Supplementation Improve Strength and Power?

Does Betaine Supplementation Improve Strength and Power?

Betaine was initially isolated from Beta Vulgaris, or sugar beets, where its name was derived. Betaine has high amounts of carbon and hydrogen molecules known as methyl groups. The body transmits these molecules through methylation, which is vital for healthy …

Sports Drinks – Better Hydration than Water?

Sports Drinks - Better Hydration than Water?

Hydration is a crucial component of exercise and performance. While water is the most traditional and accessible form of hydration, sports drinks often do a better job of replacing the nutrients you lose when you perform intense exercise, especially in …

Does Theacrine Provide More Energy than Caffeine?

Does Theacrine Provide More Energy than Caffeine?

Theacrine offers the same energy-boosting benefits as caffeine. However, unlike caffeine, theacrine doesn’t affect your heart rate and blood pressure the same way.  Mixing theacrine with caffeine helps to enhance the stimulative effects of caffeine. Furthermore, you’ll receive additional energy with …

Got Low Testosterone? Feel Tired? Can Testosterone Boosters Help?

Got Low Testosterone? Feel Tired? Can Testosterone Boosters Help You?

Testosterone is the king of male hormones and is necessary for the development and maintenance of bone mass, muscle mass, fat distribution, strength, libido, and mood. With age, however, testosterone levels start to decline. As a result, maintaining adequate amounts …

Zinc for Disease Resistance and Increased Testosterone

Zinc for Disease Resistance and Increased Testosterone

After iron, zinc is the second most abundant trace mineral in the body and is present in every cell. Unlike iron, however, the body doesn’t store zinc. This is why consuming adequate amounts of zinc through food is essential.  Due …