Green Tea for Reducing Oxidative Stress and Muscle Soreness

Green Tea for Reducing Oxidative Stress and Muscle Soreness

Green tea is full of antioxidant properties that can help protect your body from damage and free radicals. Green tea extract is the most concentrated form of green tea. For example, one capsule of green tea contains the same amount …

Does Ashwagandha Boost Energy Levels, Strength, and Libido?

Does Ashwagandha Boost Energy Levels, Strength, and Libido?

Ashwagandha, pronounced how it’s spelled (ash-wa-gand-ha), is an ancient herb that has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine. Ashwagandha is an adaptogen. Adaptogens are non-toxic plants that help the body resist stressors. In this case, adaption occurs by increasing resistance …

Is Taurine a Source of Energy or a Useless Supplement?

Is Taurine a Source of Energy or a Useless Supplement?

Taurine is commonly added to energy drinks, as taurine is said to have “caffeine-like” energy qualities. The energy drink “Red Bull” gets its name from taurine because the Latin word Taurus means ox or bull.  Taurine is found in high concentrations …

Vitamin C – An Essential Antioxidant and Stress Buster

Vitamin C – An Essential Antioxidant and Stress Buster

While vitamin C is a powerful regulator of the immune system, it also performs many other functions in the body. Vitamin C is a well-known antioxidant that protects the body against free radicals. As a compound that has lost an …

Does Glutamine Work? – 9 Potential Benefits of Glutamine

Does Glutamine Work? – 9 Potential Benefits of Glutamine

Glutamine is an amino acid that doesn’t just play a role in gastrointestinal health; it also plays a vital role in muscle protein synthesis. As the most abundant amino acid, glutamine is a non-essential amino acid that can be synthesized by almost …

Magnesium – A Cure for Sleep Problems and Insomnia?

Magnesium – A Cure for Sleep Problems and Insomnia?

Magnesium is involved in over 300 biochemical reactions, which influence various functions such as muscle contractions, protein synthesis, bone development, and glucose metabolism.  As the fourth most abundant mineral in the body, magnesium is a well-known sleep aid, but magnesium can …